Laser Skin Rejuvenation in Naperville, IL

Moxi is the easy way to “prejuvenate” your skin and the latest way to REVITALIZE AND REFRESH your skin’s appearance by correcting uneven pigmentation and improving tone and texture.


Moxi before and afterMoxi comfortably delivers non-ablative laser energy to revitalize your skin by correcting the initial signs of sun damage and aging for clients in Naperville, IL, no matter the season or your skin type.

Designed to deliver dramatic tonal and textural improvements to your face with little to no downtime, as it features a gentle non-ablative laser that corrects pigmentation issues.

The benefits of MOXI laser skin treatment:

  • Fast and easy. Low-to-no downtime.
  • Comfortable treatments, may require anesthetic cream.
  • Simple post care, stay out of the sun.
  • 24 hours post treatment makeup can be applied.

Moxi Frequently Asked Questions

Moxi delivers fractionated laser energy to create micro-coagulation zones which the body then repairs, replacing damaged cells with fresh new ones. Moxi is designed to provide tonal and textural improvements to your face with low downtime, resulting in skin renewal.

Depending on the level of treatment provided, most patients find the treatment well tolerated.  Your practitioner may use cooling air and recommend numbing cream to help ensure your treatment is as comfortable as possible.

Results vary depending on your treatment goals. For the day following your treatment, your skin may appear red and, depending on your level of treatment, you may see the small micro dots called mendz where the laser was applied. As the micro zones heal, they will darken and feel rough. Between days 3-5, the mends will slough off, revealing the renewed skin beneath.

Because this is a non-ablative fractionated treatment, the post care regimen is simple. Wear a moisturizing physical sunscreen and stay out of the sun. You may wear makeup 24 hours after your treatment.

This will depend on your treatment goals and level of damage. Most patients receive 3-4 corrective treatments, then often will sign up for regular maintenance treatments throughout the year.

Moxi delivers fractionated laser energy to create micro-coagulation zones which the body then repairs, replacing damaged cells with fresh new ones. Moxi is designed to provide tonal and textural improvements to your face with low downtime, resulting in skin renewal.

BBL uses the power of light to target the pigment within the skin — but not just any light. It  uses the world’s most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL), called BBL HERO. It is the fastest way to treat pigment, sun damage and troublesome age spots anywhere on your body.

Together, these two treatments provide total body skin revitalization within minutes, and with little to no downtime.

Both Moxi and BBL are well tolerated treatments. With Moxi, your provider may apply cooling air and a numbing cream to your face. BBL is fast with minimal to no discomfort, thanks to its advanced technology.

Since both treatments revitalize skin without breaking the surface, your post care regimen is simple: wear a moisturizing physical sunscreen and stay out of the sun. You may wear makeup 24 hours after your treatment.

This will depend on your treatment goals and the level of correction desired. Most patients receive 3-4 corrective Moxi treatments and 1-2 BBL treatments, then often sign up for regular maintenance treatments. Talk to your practitioner about your goals and they can advise you on the best treatment regimen.

Schedule a Laser Skin Treatment Consultation

If you are looking for a laser skin treatment that has no to little down time, call our office at 630-369-2767 to get more information on how Moxi can revitalize and refresh your skin.